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Why Settle for 80% when you can Live your Life at 100%?

Why live life 80% when you can live it 100%? 

Self-awareness requires self-examination….and that can often be confronting for people. 

To build self-awareness requires holding up the mirror to the self and being courageous enough to look at the things about ourselves that may not be so pretty. A lot of coaching is about identifying “Blindspots.”  

Blindspots are things you “don’t know that you don’t know.”

Often, so much of what holds us back is stored in the subconscious.. and through the process of coaching and inquiry, we are able to unearth that which is most blocking you.

Once that is brought into conscious awareness, we work with it and create transformations from that place. 

In order to self-reflect objectively, we need to quiet our minds and open our hearts, forgiving ourselves for our imperfections and offering ourselves kudos, but only where we deserve them.

This work is so deeply gratifying and the process of supporting others in developing deeper levels of self-awareness and emotional intelligence and in the process, falling in love with themselves, is so electrifying. 

Getting to work on myself over these last few years has helped me so much in better understanding myself in relationship to myself and others and has helped me love others so much more deeply.

I know my capacity and all of my deepest triggers and core wounds and am constantly seeking to better myself. 

What have you learned about yourself through self-awareness? Comment below.