Be gentle with yourself, human you

Be gentle with yourself, beautiful human. 

You don’t have to have it all figured out.

You don’t always have to have it all together. 

You’re allowed to be a work in progress. 

You’re allowed to fall and make mistakes. 

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You just have to stay true to you and follow those things that bring you sheer joy and aliveness in service to humanity.. 

Because that’s what humanity needs more of. You being fully YOU. Fully alive. Awakened. 

In truth - we’re all just getting by and figuring this thing out as we go. No one has mastered it. Even the role models and exemplary leaders you most admire - they’ve also got their stuff that they’re working through. 

I’ve learned this in my work. All people are going through something. Even those that project a smiley, happy, care-free spirit. They, too, have got their stuff. 

And you can congratulate yourself for how far you’ve come. Today is the oldest and wisest you’ve ever been. Today is the most beautiful day of your entire life. 

A wise mentor recently shared with me, “Give yourself every possible opportunity to succeed. Life is hard enough as it is already. Why not put structures in place that help you?” 

So I say: 

  • Go ask for support

  • Go meditate for a few hours 

  • Go get the poster boards and put up the magazine clippings of what you most want 

  • Go get a reading (why not?!) 

  • Go tell someone that you are not okay 

  • Go call a loved one or a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while 

  • Go start that idea or company or product and get help 

  • Go make the call 

  • Go purchase that online course that can support you 

  • Go seek out that spiritual community of support 

  • Go for that walk 

  • Go put on that amazing underwear and shoes that make you feel sexy

  • Go on that second date (if it feels right) 

  • Go share your message 

  • Go get that planner and colorful pens 

  • Go a different route to get to work 

  • Go try that new coffee shop or restaurant 

  • Go be vulnerable and courageous and be fully seen and alive. 

Because you’re so worth it. Simply because you exist. 

I love you even if I’ve never met you. Even If we no longer talk. Even if I just spoke to you. Love infinity.

Comment which one you’re going to go do! 


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